Our Ingredients

We consider multiple factors with each of our valued supplier partnerships: safety for those with food allergies, local sourcing whenever possible and alignment with our core values. Whenever possible, we partner with single-source ingredient providers to avoid the risk of cross-contamination along the supply chain.

It took us over a year to identify and form relationships with our current ingredient suppliers and we are extremely proud of the farms and providers that we work with.

Once the ingredients arrive to our Bakery, we craft our snacks and spreads in small batches. Our food is not only delicious; it’s also made with simple ingredients that carry a variety of health benefits, without any undesirable additives.

Here is a closer look at the ingredients we use at the Bakery.

What’s Not In Our Snacks**

Tree Nuts | Peanuts | Wheat | Gluten | Soy | Dairy | Sesame | Eggs | Fish | Shellfish | Mustard | Sulfites | Corn | Genetically Modified Ingredients | Palm Oil | Artificial Preservatives | Artificial Sweeteners | Artificial or Synthetic Fibers | Isolated Proteins

*Does not include all ingredients used in our snacks.
** We advise customers to read labels carefully.

Our Ingredients


Apples are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber that are extremely filling and may help stave off certain diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease. China harvests the most apples in the world, producing roughly 26 million tons of apples per year. Unsulphured apples from Argentina are featured in our Spiced Ginger Apple Seed Bars.

Fun Fact: There are over 7,500 varieties of apples grown throughout the world.

Learn more about apples


Bananas are the most popular fruit in the U.S., consumed more than apples and oranges combined. India is the world’s largest banana producer, but most of the bananas eaten in the U.S. come from Ecuador. They are a good source of potassium, fiber, and vitamin C. Banana paste can be found in our Banana Bread Protein Bar

Fun Fact: The banana “fruit” is actually a berry and contains no seeds.

Learn more about bananas


Blueberries are rich in antioxidants, which can help repair the body’s damaged cells. This nutritious fruit can be found in abundance in the United States — in fact, the U.S. produces more blueberries than any other country in the world. The dried blueberries we use are sweetened with apple juice and are found in our Summer Edition Blueberry Lemon Seed Bars and our Triple Berry Seed Bars.

Fun Fact: The blueberry is the official state fruit of New Jersey.

Brown Rice Syrup

A natural sweetener made from brown rice, brown rice syrup is more viscous and less sweet than maple syrup or honey. A common concern with brown rice syrup is that it contains arsenic — a toxic chemical that is found in water, air and soil. It is true that through the growing process, arsenic is found in both rice and rice syrup as well as many other organic vegetables such as kale, but the traces of this element are so minimal that the FDA maintains their recommendation of eating rice as part of a well-balanced diet. Our supplier tests for arsenic levels in every batch. Small amounts of brown rice syrup are baked into our Bars to create the distinctively chewy, moist texture.

Fun Fact: No one has yet to come up with a fun fact about brown rice syrup.

Learn more about brown rice syrup

Cane Sugar

Instead of using artificial sweeteners, we use only natural sugars in our products. We use organic cane sugar and organic powdered sugar to sweeten most of our Bars and Seed Butters to balance the earthiness and tartness of the other ingredients.

Fun Fact: Sugar is the only flavor or ingredient that humans are born craving.


There are two types of cardamom, green and black, that come from two different plant species, both of which can grow up to 10 feet tall and produce small white flowers. Cardamom has been shown to have antibacterial and antioxidant properties as well as other compounds that may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Cardamom is traditionally brewed with coffee in Israel and other Middle Eastern countries.

Fun Fact: Cardamom is the world’s third most expensive spice, after saffron and vanilla.


Bursting with flavor, cinnamon is packed with antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. Cinnamon comes from the bark of the Cinnamomum tree and is almost entirely grown in Asia. Cinnamon spices up our Cinnamon Maple Seed and Oat Bars, as well as our Vanilla Spiced Sunflower Seed Butter.

Fun Fact: The Romans deemed cinnamon to be more valuable than silver.


We use hand-picked cloves from Sulawesi, Indonesia to create the pumpkin pie spice in our Spiced Ginger Apple Seed Bar. Cloves are the unopened pink flower buds of a tropical evergreen tree. They are dried in the sun for 3 to 4 days before being sorted and ground into a spice. There are high amounts of fiber and manganese found in cloves, which may support digestive and bone health.

Fun Fact: Cloves are the most pungent aromatic spice in the world.

Cocoa Butter

Cocoa Butter is the vegetable fat that stems from cocoa beans. Filled with antioxidants and nutrients that support the immune system, cocoa butter is baked into our Dark Chocolate Sea Salt and Double Dark Chocolate Seed Bars and Seed'nola as well as our Dark Chocolate Sunflower Seed Butter.

Fun Fact: Cocoa Butter is not really a butter.

Cocoa Powder

Cocoa is packed with antioxidants, particularly flavonoids, that can help to improve cardiovascular health and cognitive function. We layer natural cocoa powder into our Double Dark Chocolate Seed Bars and Seed'nola for an extra rich chocolate flavor. We also use cocoa along with cocoa butter to create our Dark Chocolate Sunflower Seed Butter

Fun Fact: The tree that produces cocoa, called Theobroma Cacao, means “food of the gods.”

Coffee Extract

Coffee contains B-vitamins and antioxidants that promote health and protect cells from damage. Our coffee extract is a blend of Italian and Brazilian beans. It is highlighted in our Double Dark Chocolate Seed Bar, which contains only 1.5mg of caffeine per bar.

Fun Fact: It is estimated that 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed every day worldwide.


Typically grown in the northern region of the United States and Canada, cranberries are packed with vitamins and antioxidants. We source our apple juice-infused dried cranberries locally from Carver, Massachusetts and bake them into our Triple Berry Seed Bars.

Fun Fact: Native Americans used cranberries as a dye for clothes and blankets as well as for food and medicine.

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate is packed with antioxidants and studies have shown that this decadent ingredient can help to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. Our dark chocolate is dairy and soy free and adds a rich flavor to our Double Dark Chocolate and Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Seed Bars and Seed'nola.

Fun Fact: Some American soldiers were paid in chocolate during the Revolutionary War.

Flax Seeds

Filled with fiber and heart healthy omega-3 fats, flax seeds have been shown to reduce inflammation and the risk of many diseases. In order for the nutrients in the seeds to be fully absorbed by our bodies, our flax seeds are ground and blended into all flavors of our Seed Bars and Seed'nola.

Fun Fact: In the 8th century, King Charlemagne passed a law ordering his subjects to eat flax seeds.

Learn more about flax seeds


Harvested primarily in Asia, ginger can help reduce muscle pain and soreness and has been shown to reduce inflammation and cholesterol levels. Crystalized ginger from Fiji is featured in our Spiced Ginger Apple Seed Bars.

Fun Fact: The ancient Greeks baked the first gingerbread by — you guessed it — cooking ginger into their bread.

Golden Raisins

Raisins are loaded with fiber, iron, and other beneficial vitamins and minerals. Golden raisins are simply a variety of dried grapes and are featured in our Spiced Ginger Apple Seed Bar.

Fun Fact: Most raisins come from the Thompson Seedless Grapes variety.

Lemon Oil

We love lemon so much that we named two products after it. Our Lemon Poppy Seed Dressing and Blueberry Lemon Seed Bars contain a high-quality organic lemon oil for brightness and acidity. Lemon trees can produce fruits for over 30 years. Most lemons are carefully picked by hand because their fragile skins make mechanical picking nearly impossible. Lemons are extremely high in vitamin C, which helps our immune systems and may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. 

Fun Fact: One lemon tree can produce up to 600 pounds of lemons every year.

Maple Syrup

Maple syrup is one of the more nutrient-rich natural sugars that carries a variety of vitamins and minerals like manganese and zinc. We source our maple syrup from a local farm in Vermont. Maple syrup adds sweetness to all of our Seed Bars and Seed'nola.

Fun Fact: The Canadian flag features a red maple leaf that symbolizes pride and strength.


The oats we use are Purity Protocol Gluten-Free. Loaded with fiber, oats support heart and digestive health. Oats are grown across the world and are naturally gluten-free. Once eaten, oats expand in our stomach, which fills us up faster and keeps us full for longer than most foods. Along with seeds, whole oats comprise the base of all of our Seed Bars and Seed'nola.

Fun Fact: Only 5% of oats grown worldwide are eaten by humans.

Learn more about oats

Poppy Seeds

Most of the world’s poppy seeds are grown in Turkey, Czechia, and Spain. Poppy seeds are harvested from the red poppy flower after all the petals have died and fallen off. The remaining bluish-green pod is then dried for several days and cut open to reveal the tiny bluish-black poppy seeds.

Fun Fact: A field of poppies can produce close to 2,500 poppy seeds per square foot.

Learn more about poppy seeds

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are full of complete (containing all 20 amino acids) plant-based protein, antioxidants, and nutrients that research suggests can help improve heart health and ward off chronic disease. Pumpkin seeds are included in the base of all of our Bars and Seed'nola and are featured in our Pumpkin Seed Butter.

Fun Fact: Each pumpkin contains about 500 seeds.

Learn more about pumpkin seeds

Sea Salt

Unlike refined table salt, sea salt contains trace amounts of beneficial minerals like potassium, calcium, and zinc. Sea salt is harvested by flooding man-made pools with salt water and waiting for the water to evaporate under the sun, which leaves behind various sizes of sea salt crystals.

Fun Fact: The word “salary” derives from the Latin word for salt because salt was so valuable that it was used to pay soldiers in ancient Rome.

Sunflower Lecithin

Sunflower lecithin is a natural fatty emulsifier that is extracted from sunflower seeds. Unlike the popular soy lecithin, sunflower lecithin is gently extracted from sunflower seeds by cold pressing rather than with chemical solvents. It has also been found to help reduce cholesterol, ease digestion, and aid breastfeeding. We use sunflower lecithin in our Dark Chocolate Brownie Protein Bar.

Fun Fact: Sunflower lecithin may decrease the viscosity of breast milk, making it less likely to clog milk ducts.

Sunflower Seeds

Brimming with vitamins and minerals, sunflower seeds offer a great blend of healthy fats and protein that can help support muscles and body tissue. The healthy unsaturated fats in sunflower seeds help regulate good cholesterol in the body. Sunflower seeds are baked into all of our Seed Bars and Seed'nola and many of our Seed Butters.

Fun Fact: An astronaut brought sunflower seeds to the International Space Station.

Learn more about sunflower seeds

Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract contains beneficial antioxidant and antidepressant properties, which are just two reasons we love it so much. Our Fair Trade Organic Pure Vanilla Extract comes from Madagascar where farmers pollinate each flower by hand. It is the leading flavor in our Vanilla Spiced Sunflower Seed Butter.

Fun Fact: Vanilla is the second most expensive spice in the world, after saffron.

Learn more about vanilla

Watermelon Seeds

Watermelon seeds are high in protein, B-vitamins, and iron to help promote strength and support the digestive system. They have a low water requirement compared to nuts, using 94x less water to grow than pistachios. Watermelon seeds are used in our Watermelon Seed Butter.

Fun Fact: Eating watermelon seeds will not grow a watermelon in your stomach.

Learn more about watermelon seeds

Zante Currants

Despite the fancy name, zante currants are considered raisins that come from zante grapes. A cup of zante currants offers a good source of iron. One of the three berries in our Triple Berry Seed Bars, zante currants add a delicious bite of sweetness.

Fun Fact: Currants got their name from the ancient Greek city Corinth, which produced zante currants.
